Friday, January 9, 2009

Paisley's first steps

Paisley took her first steps about a week ago. She's getting better at the whole walking thing each day. This is a video of her first day (I recorded the video sideways and can't figure out how to rotate it, sorry!)


jeremy and amanda rowsell said...

Yeah Paisley! That is so exciting she's so big! And those are cute footie pj's.

Matt and Serenity Stewart said...

So cute!! I can't believe how big she has gotten!! I hope you don't mind me looking at you blog!

Jessie Woolstenhulme said...

You are such a good mom!! That is so cute! Paisley is getting so big! Maybe one day we will live closer and Jentri and Paisley can be friends! That is a little scary if they act like we did though...ha ha :)

Cassie Mickelsen said...

Good job Paisley! I am so impressed with how quick she picks up on things. I guess my Paisley will do it soon enough. When it happens it happens, right? I love the video. I had permagrin on through the whole thing. So cute!

Jake and Cassie said...

What a princess! It sounds like your lil family is doing well. I'm sure Paisley is so lucky to have you as a mom. Tell Paul that the accting classes don't get any easier as you get further along, but it's worth it in the long run. The career can be family friendly, especially from May to December. I haven't taken the cpa exam yet, but once that's over I think I'll be grateful I chose this profession. I'm working for CPA here in Rexburg while Jake finishes school. What about you? How's the nurse life? Great to hear from ya, hope ya stay in touch.