On Sunday night around 10:00, I felt a few contractions during the car ride home after visiting my in laws. I noticed they were starting to pick up once we got home, but I didn't think too much of it since I was 38.3 weeks and never went early with my other two girls. After Paul and I put the girls down for the night, I decided to do the usual interventions that the labor nurses tell their patients: drink a large mug of water, lie down, soak in the tub, and watch to see if they continued or slowed down. After soaking in the tub, I continued to contract about every 2-3 minutes...but they weren't painful. At this point it was around midnight and I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep, so I thought I'd clean my house. Once everything was picked up, I decided I better pack a hospital bag since the contractions were still consistent after a few hours of monitoring. On a side note, I work in the labor and delivery unit where I'd be delivering and REALLY did not want to be one of those girls that come in just because they had a couple contractions and get sent home. I still wasn't really hurting with my contractions, but I was checked a few days ago and was a 4 and 80% effaced and with this being my third pregnancy, I thought I should just get things checked out. I was induced with my last two so I didn't know what it was like to "go into labor" on my own. I called the L&D unit to see how busy they were and let them know I'd probably be in shortly.
Paul and I arrived at the hospital around 2:00 am. My awesome coworkers had already decorated my room and set everything up. I felt kind of stupid because I REALLY didn't want this to be false labor after all the cute decorations and preparation that had already been done. (PS, my coworkers are the best!)After being placed on the monitors, my nurse checked me during a contraction and my water broke! I was dilated to a 5 and admitted for labor. I couldn't believe I was going to have my baby! My sweet nurse called the anesthetist knowing I was planning on an epidural at some point since he wasn't in house at the time.
A little history about this pregnancy...my doctor noticed early on that I had a low platelet count. We watched it close during my pregnancy and my platelets stayed around 100,000(normal is anything above 150,000). I was told it was gestational thrombocytopenia, a condition that can occur in 7-8% of pregnant women where platelet levels drop. For anyone that doesn't know, platelets are important for clotting the blood. In pregnancy, the problem with decreased platelets and recieving an epidural is the concern for an epidural hematoma, which can result in serious neurologic complications. Most hospitals won't place epidurals if platelet levels are below 100,000, but my anesthetist (who is THE best) said he'd be okay placing it if my platelet count was over 80,000...anyways history in a nutshell.
My labs were sent and although my platelet levels had always been right around 100,000, I didn't feel comfortable getting my epidural placed until I knew my results. I really wasn't hurting yet anyways. Anesthesia said he'd watch for the labs and then we'd go from there. Around 3:00, my labs came back at 80,000!!!! I thought my nurse was joking. Serioiusly, I had not mentally prepared myself for anything but a delivery with an epidural! I was in shock. The anesthetist said he'd still place the epidural but I really didn't feel comfortable with it. Paul and I were left alone for a few minutes and he asked if he could say a prayer. It was beautiful and exactly what I needed. I knew I didn't have a choice other than to go natural due to the fact that I was a wife and mother. But, I was SCARED and nervous. Being a labor nurse, I knew what happened with natural labor...it hurts, and it hurts BAD. I never really cared or even had the desire to ever experience natural labor. However, I mentally made the decision there was no other choice and went for it. Around 4:00, my contractions had spaced out so my doctor ordered to start me on pitocin. Again, I thought my nurse was joking! I've witnessed the difference pitocin makes on a natural labor: 1) it makes contractions stronger and more painful, 2) you have to stay in bed for continuous monitoring, and 3) my water was already broke so I knew it would be that more intense feeling the pressure with each contraction...but I trusted my doctor and knew he wouldn't intentionally torture me (hopefully:)
Around 5:00, I was hurting pretty bad and had my nurse check me. I was at a 7. I decided a dose a pain medication would be okay at this point. Once she gave me the medication, I had a couple contactions where I was able to slightly relax, and then I felt like I needed to PUSH! My doctor was called and raced to the hospital. In the meantime, my nurse coached me through the remaining contractions. She mainly said "Don't push!" Let me tell you, it is SO hard to fight against what your body is telling you to do. I focused only on her voice and tried to do what she said.
Before I knew it, my doctor was in the room and my sweet baby was born.
And I was blessed with this...
So relieved to have her here!
Taylee meeting her excited sisters for the first time :)
First day home!